Below are a some quotes from various people Cara has worked with.
Laura, Senior Civil Servant and mother of two
Having had two babies and now emerging from the toddler years, I knew I needed to spend a bit more time thinking about my career and life choices but I struggled to find the time for self reflection and personal growth (and it isn’t an area I feel very comfortable with!). Cara was recommended to me – speaking to a life coach wasn’t something I’d previously considered and I wasn’t sure what to expect but by the end of the first session I already felt I’d been able to verbalise things that I have found challenging for a long time and start thinking about how I might approach things both in life and in my career more mindfully and purposefully. Cara gently pushed me outside of my comfort zone in some areas whilst also encouraging me to recognise the strengths that come more naturally to me. As a result of Cara’s coaching, I feel more comfortable in my own style of leadership, more confident and more deliberate in the choices I make. Ultimately, Cara’s coaching has helped me to progress in my career whilst enjoying (and feeling appreciative!) of my life outside of work.
Andrea, Senior Executive in Financial Services
I wanted to express how grateful I am for the coaching we’ve undertaken together. Your guidance revitalized my confidence in my abilities and helped me navigate interpersonal interactions with greater ease. While I am still a work-in-progress, I’ve become more open-minded, less defensive, and more proactive, which has dramatically improved my day-to-day effectiveness. Thank you for laying such a strong foundation for my ongoing personal development.
Marina, Director of Property Construction company
I didn’t realise how lost I was until I started my sessions with Cara, I thought I was only stressed. Cara has helped me to rebalance my life and bring back the best version of myself, my Jack in the Box. I will be forever grateful, thank you.
Glenn, Property entrepreneur and HNW business owner
Cara was amazing. So calm and relaxing. Each call you go away with a feeling of contentment without realising why! She chips away at your soul in such a subtle way to retrieve you inner thoughts and then allows you to come up with the solutions. Modern day witchcraft at its best.
Jonathan, Director of family construction business and father
When I first spoke with Cara I was in a confused state of mind and over stretched with work and homelife.
Cara helped me to find an outward view of everything and since then this has helped me into seeing better sense of situations. Life feels calmer, more balanced out and less of a burden.
It is reassuring to know Cara will always be available for me should I need to talk moving forward.
Simon, City Director looking to regain his confidence, speak his truth and sleep better
Working with Cara has been transformative, cathartic and constructive. Cara has introduced me to techniques that both help me plan and react to any given situation, whether at work or life in general. Knowing that I now have the tools to deal with different or difficult circumstances way has given me the confidence to raise my own expectations of what I can achieve. The benefits are that I now feel healthier, happier and has already led to more productive and authentic relationships at work. Cara comes highly recommended!
Jia, cartoon animator and mother of 2 sons resuming her career
I enjoyed the thinking process provoked by the coaching conversations and feeling safe to be open about life issues in many aspects. It’s very encouraging and motivating when coming to the realisation of any improvement!
The difference coaching has made to me is two-fold:
- I have more self compassion and more self-acceptance. This has helped ease my anxiety about not quickly achieving what I want and allowing myself to be flexible if things don’t go as I imagined it or get interrupted.
- During the coaching, I have flipped my view towards time. Instead of feeling that my time was all drained away by trivial things and other people, I believe now that I have the luxury of spending time on my personal goals and working on fun personal projects.
Zoe, Director of Client Relationships, Recruitment company
I would not hesitate to recommend Cara! I was at a time in my career where I couldn’t see beyond the forest in front of me. I was finding it hard to navigate my way through and really undertsand where I was and what I wanted to achieve. My confidence had also taken a knock which then led me to being quite negative – and those people that know me, this is not me! Cara and I worked on action plan and then I was held to account to change, which I embraced and at the end of our 6 week program I felt powerful and enlightened. I have overcome my imposter syndrome and feel so empowered for my next career move. Thank you Cara!!
Yvonne, senior leader, Microsoft
I am honoured to have been given the opportunity to work with Cara. Her insights and observations (coupled with what she encouraged me to voice) really made me stop and reflect. Simple yet full of impact (a bit of ‘just chill’ too!)
Adam, Head of department major Recruitment firm, promoted to Director
I was extremely sceptical when I was first offered coaching from our HR Director who had herself previously worked with Cara. In my first conversation with Cara I noticed straight away how Cara could really help me in ways I didn’t even realise I needed assistance. She listens intently. She helped me find solutions for myself. She gave constant encouragement to help me find ways around obstacles, and take logical small steps towards larger goals. She made me understand my success from the past was amazing but what got me to here, and the tools that would use to get me there are not always the tools required to push on again. She made me see the light!!
Thank you Cara for making me see the wood through the trees and most of all helping me become a better more honest version of me to lead myself and others.
Mark, Partner of an Asset Management Company that was being sold, and father of young son; reassessing his role, career and outlook
I found my sessions with Cara very enjoyable and insightful. I took detailed notes which I could come back to as my thought processes and reflections evolved in the weeks after a session. Ultimately sessions and changed thought processes should lead to actions. I feel translating changed thinking patterns into actions is still work in progress for me, probably always will be, but with Cara’s input I’m on a positive trajectory.
Senior Strategy Manager at Accenture, going for promotion to Managing Director (and she was successful!)
Cara is an outstanding coach. I was very sceptical at very beginning and it took me an effort and commitment to myself to try, and to open up, and once I did the change started to happen. Cara’s guidance was very helpful for me to explore my inner self, to reflect on my real goals, my real pains, my real fears – and through these 9 months journey with Cara – I made a great and unexpected discovery on all of that.
I’m really thankful to have this opportunity to be coached by Cara. And really grateful to Cara, she definitely helped me to grow above and beyond. I’ve gained that inner confidence and peace that are truly transformational to the way I work and treat myself and others.
Laura, Head of Sixth Form, Harris Girls’ Academy
Working remotely with Cara during lockdown was always the tonic I needed. A pick me up in difficult times, Cara was always a fresh pair of eyes on the challenges I was facing. She reminded me of all the ways I could still look after myself and grow as a leader, despite the world feeling like it had been turned upside down!
Toby Ellison, Managing Director at Argo Navis Ltd (Executive Search Consultancy)
Cara’s coaching provides an objective external set of handrails, checks, balances and context to my thinking. It’s incredibly valuable to take stock with her.
Heather, Director of People Development, Serocor Solutions
I cannot thank Cara enough, although I have known Cara for some years I officially started coaching with Cara in August last year. I look back now and I am such a different person today. Through discussions, questioning, reading, support and guidance she made me realise what I am capable of doing. It has completely changed how I work, I feel and my thought processes not just in work but in my life.
The biggest learning for me has been to not be afraid to push boundaries to either achieve what I need to or to support others within the business, it’s also ok to question yourself. I am now looking forward to the next chapter with open arms.
Colette, L&D manager, mother of two and coping with life-changing illness
I have been working with Cara over the last few months to help me through some difficult times personally and professionally.
She has a wonderful coaching style which is warm. compassionate and the questions really get you thinking! She leaves space for you to talk and think and I always come away with a clear plan of action.
I’d highly recommend contacting Cara to help you work through your own situation, This is absolutely the right time to invest in yourself and your business. She will certainly help you in finding clarity, direction and fulfillment.
Lee, owner of a property management company
Cara has been really excellent in helping me focus on making changes in my life and helping me understand my next steps. She is supportive, understanding and wise; as well as a lovely person. I would highly recommend her.
Holly, Director of Diversity & Inclusion, Senior Leadership Team
I was extremely sceptical when I was first offered coaching. But, management at a high level can be a lonely place. Cara’s gentle and extremely acute observations help bring clarity of strategy and purpose. She listens intently. She helps her clients find solutions for themselves, from within themselves. It is not an indulgence to reflect on successes and failures: it is a necessary part of effective management. Her keen-eyed encouragement helps her clients find ways around obstacles, and take logical small steps towards larger goals. After just six sessions, the burden of leadership was not only lighter, it had become a positive drive.
Sofia, millennial woman in a new leadership role
I started working with Cara at a time of significant change in my career – a new role, a new organisation, a new team to lead. I was excited for the opportunity but also felt I was lacking the self-confidence to make the most of it. Working with Cara was a revelation. Her calm and considered approach helped me see my role as a leader in a new way. With Cara’s wise and timely questions and deep and considered listening I was able to set myself on a path of exploring authenticity and letting go of a perception of ‘self-confidence’ that didn’t serve me. My coaching sessions with Cara were a haven for reflection, as well as for exploring practical solutions to real challenges. I now trust myself to be able to use the right tools for any situation, however daunting or unknown.
Frankie – City Financier, ‘Socialite’, wife and mother to 2 adorable rescue cats.
I met Cara when I felt I was at rock bottom after a few years of varying emotional troubles at work and home. I tried to project a happy, positive, glass half full kind of personality, but I hid a multitude of insecurities and a real feeling of self doubt and lack of confidence, and inside I often felt miserable. I didn’t want to burden my friends with my seemingly innocuous problems, and I tried counselling but felt I was just going over the same negative things time and time again and wasn’t progressing.
Cara has helped me turn things around completely. She is so easy to talk to and works through things in bite size, calm, logical and manageable chunks. That is exactly what I needed to move on rather than keep reliving all the negativity in my life. I am now a genuinely glass half full person. In our last session she summed it up by saying to me “I can feel your excitement and energy radiating off you and it’s infectious!” If that’s not a compliment I don’t know what is; I have had similar comments from other friends in recent weeks most of whom have no idea I have been seeing Cara, so I must be doing something right.
Everyone should have a Cara in their lives (and a Google – all will be explained when you meet Cara)!
Senior Leader moving from Military to Business Life
I contacted Cara at a time of great change and uncertainty and greatly appreciated her empathetic, professional and personable coaching style. The process is subtle but challenging and helped to close the gap between where my life was and I wanted to be significantly. Over a few months I gained clarity and perspective and can happily say I am now where I want to be and have a good understanding of where I’m going.
I would thoroughly recommend coaching with Cara for anyone who needs clarity and direction in life.
Sarah, A&E consultant, wife, working mum and budding garden designer
Thank you so much for everything – it’s been amazing.You have been so easy to talk to and have provided me with the tools to live life to the full again, enabling me to grow and develop new interests and pleasures in life. I’m no longer ‘plodding’; I’m doing more of what I want to do, my way and on my terms! I shall certainly recommend you to friends.
Neil, Customer Experience & Global Business Development Executive
At certain points in life the bucket fills and disorder sets in and the adage of “can’t see the wood for the trees” occurs – despite our experience or maturity. It’s at times like these some sound ‘tools’ and words of advice are required. This is exactly where Cara helps and assists. I found Cara to be profoundly sensitive, professional, personable and understanding to the various ‘challenge’s’ I was facing and helped me put order back into my life. These tools not only helped with my immediate goals and focus but also came to the fore when a life changing event occurred. Cara’s sessions are enlightening and her website, posts and newsletters provide continued confidence in netting the true values and direction for one’s self. Having totally reset my personal direction and focus, with the help of Cara’s advice I can step forward confidently and with complete clarity on where life will now take me. I can’t thank Cara enough for that guidance. we can’t all do it by ourselves all of the time and gentle ‘resets’ can clear ‘fog’ quite quickly. I’m so glad I made contact a few years ago…..
James: father, husband, friend and sales leader.
I worked with Cara on one level to help me make a significant transition in my professional life, and we nailed that!
However, on another level, she also helped me understand “me”: who I am, what I value and how all that affects why I do the things I do, what I want and why I want it.
This was delicate stuff and Cara partnered with me to create the trust, space and accountability that gave me the powerful insights I needed. I have emerged a calmer and more present person, with an increased awareness of my goals and ways of working / living.Cara was recommended to me by a friend and I absolutely will recommend her in turn to my friends!
Board level executive at a major pharmaceutical company
I have had 2 different professional coaches before in my career, Cara is in another league all together. I enlisted Cara to support an important professional transition. I am a Board level executive. She helped me become aware of underlying assumptions for my beliefs, leaving me with a deeper level of mindfulness. I regained some control I felt was lost. I formed a more holistic view of my goals. I made a very difficult decision I had not anticipated to make. Results: I now have a great job that works on all aspects (spouse, kids, house, school etc.) To give you a feel, our exchanges were mostly Cara asking simple but essential questions and listening deeply. Less frequently and at well selected times, she provided a recommendation. It’s very refreshing to find a coach who actually teaches you how to fish, but has the courage to give her opinion at times. Her suggestions were always spot on, Cara gets how big corporations work. An unexpected benefit is that I learn a lot about how to be a good coach to others, by just watching her do her thing. I highly recommend Cara.
Anna, Vice Principal, Elementary School in Ontario
I am very thankful for the time and attention Cara provided in helping me become a more assertive and confident leader. Not only do I see a change in my leadership, but I feel stronger in my growth mindset and in prioritizing areas in my leadership which matter the most to me. Professional coaching has made a significant impact on my own leadership efficacy and on helping me balance home, work, and wellness.
Maddie, 16 year old school girl who knows what she wants but lacks self-confidence
Dear Cara, Thank you. This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate your help and support so much. You helped me see the individual that I am and truly made me believe that’s it’s okay to be me! It’s been an honour to spend time with you and to receive your brilliant words of wisdom.
And her Mum said “she has loved working with you and has truly blossomed. I knew when I looked at your website you would be the right fit for her. Thank you, you are a very special lady. Keep on Coaching!”
Matt, Sales Professional
I first met Cara with a view that I longed to return to feeling “great again”, I had simply lost my mojo. The outcome from our first series of meetings has far surpassed expectations and I can honestly say that I am now rejuvenated for a better me. Cara’s embracing approach, apt methods and relevance to my persona ignited my self-awareness in so many enlightening ways, that I now enthuse about broadening new horizons. Cara has helped me discover an appreciation of my own values and strengths, energizing me with a vision that now looks calm, focused and met with confidence……. that I matter. Thank you Cara, the journey started is one that I look forward to continuing with you.
Agnieszka, supply chain, global beauty products
Coaching with Cara was a great experience – a journey into myself, discovering how to be Agnieszka again.
It helped me realize that it is ok not to be perfect, that I am ok and I am not a problem. I learnt techniques how to “let go” of things I have no control over, to move on and be happy. Since I started working with Cara, my confidence has grown and my outlook on life has changed from “I can’t do it” to “Actually I can”. With techniques I learnt, I will continue working on my limitations, to minimize their effect on my decisions and life.
Sharon, Head of Sales, Pharmaceuticals
After the death of my father it became difficult to see the wood for the trees, busy life at work and home, and I started to question, what is life all about? I’d not felt like this before, not in control, unable to think clearly. So I looked on line for a solution, maybe life coaching can help? I rang Cara and after a short discussion, I decided to work with Cara to improve my situation. Cara has been a great support and is a very good listener, she has helped and guided me through the woods, helping with practical ideas around planning, health and wellbeing. I am now back on track, heading out of the woods and now feel motivated to put into action, many of the ideas discussed over the last year.
Karen, Interior Designer
Cara’s ability to listen and ask the right questions to enable you to form your own conclusions, was a revelation.
After each meeting I felt positive and empowered to head in the right direction. Cara is extremely supportive whilst also able to challenge, which ensures that you think about the bigger picture. I found the sessions invigorating and, without a doubt, would encourage anyone at a crossroads in their life to contact Cara.I have now successfully relaunched my Interior Design business www.karenoliver.co.uk and am very much looking forward to the years ahead. Thank you Cara!!
DW, Global Credit & Collection Manager and mother of 3.
Cara has an amazing gift. Her easy and friendly approach makes you feel comfortable to really open up and discuss personal topics. In my sessions with Cara she has gently probed the reasons and thinking behind some of the challenges I felt I faced, and she has helped me make some great revelations which are already helping me in my day to day work and home life. The best part is that through the coaching sessions Cara has helped me to come to these realisations myself, which has had such a much greater impact on me than if someone had just given me some advice. Cara helps you to question the core, and gently guides towards a solution that you yourself suddenly see. I leave our sessions with key action points that I really want to follow, and with a fresh motivation and enthusiasm. Time spent with Cara really can change your life!
Shirley, Head of Coaching and a working Grandma
Cara’s calm presence along with her exquisite listening and insightful questions have enabled me to really deepen my thinking on the challenges I have been facing. This has enabled me to access my own solutions. Cara has by no means then ‘let me off the hook’, it’s been about exploring the blocks that would get in the way of me actually doing something and developing an action plan. I always came away calmer, with a clearer mind from our sessions and she has definitely enabled me to become more successful quickly.
Bradley, Managing Director Recruitment Agency, divorced Dad and getting married again
I have been working with Cara since the start of this year and she is like an optician…in that she has made me see things clearer! Life can throw different things at you that you are not always prepared for and with Cara’s help she has made navigating the way forward much easier. Having experienced a rather difficult divorce a few years back, the impact it had both professionally and personally for me was challenging. From day one I knew she had my back and guided me back to me. Knowing that someone challenges you to think about things that are relevant to everything about you without fear of judgement is powerful. Her honest approach and desire to help has had a hugely positive impact and I would highly recommend Cara as an Executive Coach.
Jo, Director of a Fresh Produce Retailer, mother of 3 young children
My husband and I came to Cara looking for help managing our home and work lives (we work together and have three young children). We needed joint plans for the next few years, help resolving life-work balance questions and some insights into how to make life feel less chaotic. We have found that our sessions with Cara give us the perfect space to think, plan and organise together. Using some great tools and a calm and understanding manner Cara has helped us make huge strides in achieving our aims. I especially feel very empowered by our time with Cara and after our first block of sessions feel more confident and assured than I ever have. We would recommend Cara very highly and without hesitation.
Joanne, Head of Healthcare Development, Roche Diagnostics
I would like to thank Cara, my experience of coaching has been very positive and I was apprehensive on what could be achieved beforehand. Cara has a natural coaching style that resulted in me achieving the changes and overcoming challenges that I needed to without quite realising it! Cara listens well, never judges and will challenge you when needed. I feel equipped to achieve sustainable change, and I am now a lady ready to make my mark in my organisation and achieve my personal mission.
Lizzy, Lt Col and senior nurse transitioning out of the military
A mutual colleague recently put me in touch with Cara and I had a really fantastic meeting with her. She is so inspirational and clearly a very gifted coach who gives out a special aura of calm. Her clients are very lucky and I feel very blessed to have recently met her. Her guidance and advice have been hugely valuable. She has that very special quality that makes one feel that one is the only one that matters.
Sally, discovering what’s next after retiring from corporate life
Before I started my sessions with Cara I was stuck: I had a vague idea of where I wanted to get to in my life but hadn’t figured out how to get there. The transformation that has taken place over the past six months is simply incredible: I’ve not only identified what changes I need to make but I’ve made significant progress already. Cara provided a structure and a process that enabled my thinking to evolve but the ‘magic’ was the very personal and supportive way Cara worked with me: always empathetic, responsive, while not letting me off the hook from confronting barriers to progress!!
Brian, Company Director and Dad of 2
I’ve clearly come a long way since I first met Cara. She gently and expertly helped me to dig deep and overcome painful, niggling issues and I now more at ease and proud to be ‘me’. This new found confidence and belief in myself has had a profound and positive impact on my business, socially and at home.
Lizzie, Shiatsu Practitioner and super ‘single’ mum
I find it really hard to put into words the value that I have found in Cara’s sessions. Nothing dramatic happens, but somehow there is space and calm in my life where before there was none, and as a parent I am able to really think about what my children need from me. Making big decisions felt impossible before, but now I struggle to remember what the difficulty was. She was definitely the right person at the right time for me, Cara is brilliant at what she does and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone wanting to make improvements in their life.
Angela, Head of Department, SOAS University of London
It took me some time to become conscious of how life coaching was making a difference for me. I credit this to Cara’s gentle but very astute approach; to her ability to sensitively direct discussions so that one’s ideas and commitments begin to shift at an unconscious level, with very real consequences.
Virginia, GP Doctor
Thank you so much for your help in getting me ‘here’ – I no longer feel stuck, stressed or overwhelmed and I’m back to old myself again. I am now more aware of my strengths and feel more positive and enthusiastic about the future. I feel as though you held my hand through the process, challenged my assumptions, allowed me to explore new ways of looking at things and nudged me to grow/move forwards, which is exactly what I needed.
Lowri, Marketing Executive for sports clothing brand
I wanted to let you know what a huge influence our sessions have had on events! I can’t thank you enough, they really helped me to see what was important to me, and helped me build up the courage to say what needed to be said – in both of the areas (work and relationship) that were stopping me from moving on. I feel optimistic, my confidence has improved, I’m even sleeping much better! I feel so much less anxious that I’m wasting time and I’m really looking forward to the next few weeks and months of rediscovering all the things I love doing. And not feeling guilty about it!
Jackie, Senior Nurse and Complimentary Therapist
After my first meeting with Cara we established that I felt trapped by my work, my life, the daily grind and I often asked myself “Is this it?” I knew I had been searching for something and was unable to feel entirely happy and content in my life. With the expert guidance of Cara it soon became clear that I was searching for ‘FREEDOM’. She helped me work through the issues I was experiencing at work, suggesting coping strategies that are transferable to all aspects of my life. I now realise I can take responsibility for my own happiness and I now feel FREE to be who I am!! My life has changed for the better and I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the pivotal role Cara has played in my journey! Thank you!
Ayesha, Entrepreneur and Mother of 4
Cara provided me with a lovely velvet space, her unconditional positive regard and attention was a delight. I looked forward to my time with Cara, and I will always cherish her genuine zeal for my success and her belief in me; which is a gift and has been hugely empowering.
Kirstie, Manager, Home Care Agency
Meeting Cara my life coach has changed my life. I now have the tools to deal with anything life throws at me and I have a different outlook on life. My happiest now, is down to this special lady. Thank you.
Jessica, Strategic Planning Director
I got so much out of my coaching with Cara. I always felt invigorated and reenergised after our sessions. If you think you need coaching or you’re considering it you should meet with Cara. I’ve finished her course feeling positive with a clear direction on whats next for me, which is exactly what I needed from our partnership.
Melanie, Corporate Manager
Cara was a tremendous help to me as I was considering making major changes in my career and wanted to ensure I did not make any knee jerk decisions. Her methodical, caring and supportive approach ensured each session moved me confidently forward in my decision making and I can quite honestly say that 6 months later I truly feel I am starting to live the life I had always hoped and dreamed of.
Jia, cartoon animator and mother of 2 sons resuming her career
I enjoyed the thinking process provoked by the coaching conversations and feeling safe to be open about life issues in many aspects. It’s very encouraging and motivating when coming to the realisation of any improvement!
The difference coaching has made to me is two-fold:
- I have more self compassion and more self-acceptance. This has helped ease my anxiety about not quickly achieving what I want and allowing myself to be flexible if things don’t go as I imagined it or get interrupted.
- During the coaching, I have flipped my view towards time. Instead of feeling that my time was all drained away by trivial things and other people, I believe now that I have the luxury of spending time on my personal goals and working on fun personal projects.
Zoe, Director of Client Relationships, Recruitment company
I would not hesitate to recommend Cara! I was at a time in my career where I couldn’t see beyond the forest in front of me. I was finding it hard to navigate my way through and really undertsand where I was and what I wanted to achieve. My confidence had also taken a knock which then led me to being quite negative – and those people that know me, this is not me! Cara and I worked on action plan and then I was held to account to change, which I embraced and at the end of our 6 week program I felt powerful and enlightened. I have overcome my imposter syndrome and feel so empowered for my next career move. Thank you Cara!!
Yvonne, senior leader, Microsoft
I am honoured to have been given the opportunity to work with Cara. Her insights and observations (coupled with what she encouraged me to voice) really made me stop and reflect. Simple yet full of impact (a bit of ‘just chill’ too!)
Adam, Head of department major Recruitment firm, promoted to Director
I was extremely sceptical when I was first offered coaching from our HR Director who had herself previously worked with Cara. In my first conversation with Cara I noticed straight away how Cara could really help me in ways I didn’t even realise I needed assistance. She listens intently. She helped me find solutions for myself. She gave constant encouragement to help me find ways around obstacles, and take logical small steps towards larger goals. She made me understand my success from the past was amazing but what got me to here, and the tools that would use to get me there are not always the tools required to push on again. She made me see the light!!
Thank you Cara for making me see the wood through the trees and most of all helping me become a better more honest version of me to lead myself and others.
Mark, Partner of an Asset Management Company that was being sold, and father of young son; reassessing his role, career and outlook
I found my sessions with Cara very enjoyable and insightful. I took detailed notes which I could come back to as my thought processes and reflections evolved in the weeks after a session. Ultimately sessions and changed thought processes should lead to actions. I feel translating changed thinking patterns into actions is still work in progress for me, probably always will be, but with Cara’s input I’m on a positive trajectory.
Senior Strategy Manager at Accenture, going for promotion to Managing Director (and she was successful!)
Cara is an outstanding coach. I was very sceptical at very beginning and it took me an effort and commitment to myself to try, and to open up, and once I did the change started to happen. Cara’s guidance was very helpful for me to explore my inner self, to reflect on my real goals, my real pains, my real fears – and through these 9 months journey with Cara – I made a great and unexpected discovery on all of that.
I’m really thankful to have this opportunity to be coached by Cara. And really grateful to Cara, she definitely helped me to grow above and beyond. I’ve gained that inner confidence and peace that are truly transformational to the way I work and treat myself and others.
Laura, Head of Sixth Form, Harris Girls’ Academy
Working remotely with Cara during lockdown was always the tonic I needed. A pick me up in difficult times, Cara was always a fresh pair of eyes on the challenges I was facing. She reminded me of all the ways I could still look after myself and grow as a leader, despite the world feeling like it had been turned upside down!
Toby Ellison, Managing Director at Argo Navis Ltd (Executive Search Consultancy)
Cara’s coaching provides an objective external set of handrails, checks, balances and context to my thinking. It’s incredibly valuable to take stock with her.
Heather, Director of People Development, Serocor Solutions
I cannot thank Cara enough, although I have known Cara for some years I officially started coaching with Cara in August last year. I look back now and I am such a different person today. Through discussions, questioning, reading, support and guidance she made me realise what I am capable of doing. It has completely changed how I work, I feel and my thought processes not just in work but in my life.
The biggest learning for me has been to not be afraid to push boundaries to either achieve what I need to or to support others within the business, it’s also ok to question yourself. I am now looking forward to the next chapter with open arms.
Colette, L&D manager, mother of two and coping with life-changing illness
I have been working with Cara over the last few months to help me through some difficult times personally and professionally.
She has a wonderful coaching style which is warm. compassionate and the questions really get you thinking! She leaves space for you to talk and think and I always come away with a clear plan of action.
I’d highly recommend contacting Cara to help you work through your own situation, This is absolutely the right time to invest in yourself and your business. She will certainly help you in finding clarity, direction and fulfillment.
Lee, owner of a property management company
Cara has been really excellent in helping me focus on making changes in my life and helping me understand my next steps. She is supportive, understanding and wise; as well as a lovely person. I would highly recommend her.
Holly, Director of Diversity & Inclusion, Senior Leadership Team
I was extremely sceptical when I was first offered coaching. But, management at a high level can be a lonely place. Cara’s gentle and extremely acute observations help bring clarity of strategy and purpose. She listens intently. She helps her clients find solutions for themselves, from within themselves. It is not an indulgence to reflect on successes and failures: it is a necessary part of effective management. Her keen-eyed encouragement helps her clients find ways around obstacles, and take logical small steps towards larger goals. After just six sessions, the burden of leadership was not only lighter, it had become a positive drive.
Sofia, millennial woman in a new leadership role
I started working with Cara at a time of significant change in my career – a new role, a new organisation, a new team to lead. I was excited for the opportunity but also felt I was lacking the self-confidence to make the most of it. Working with Cara was a revelation. Her calm and considered approach helped me see my role as a leader in a new way. With Cara’s wise and timely questions and deep and considered listening I was able to set myself on a path of exploring authenticity and letting go of a perception of ‘self-confidence’ that didn’t serve me. My coaching sessions with Cara were a haven for reflection, as well as for exploring practical solutions to real challenges. I now trust myself to be able to use the right tools for any situation, however daunting or unknown.
Frankie – City Financier, ‘Socialite’, wife and mother to 2 adorable rescue cats.
I met Cara when I felt I was at rock bottom after a few years of varying emotional troubles at work and home. I tried to project a happy, positive, glass half full kind of personality, but I hid a multitude of insecurities and a real feeling of self doubt and lack of confidence, and inside I often felt miserable. I didn’t want to burden my friends with my seemingly innocuous problems, and I tried counselling but felt I was just going over the same negative things time and time again and wasn’t progressing.
Cara has helped me turn things around completely. She is so easy to talk to and works through things in bite size, calm, logical and manageable chunks. That is exactly what I needed to move on rather than keep reliving all the negativity in my life. I am now a genuinely glass half full person. In our last session she summed it up by saying to me “I can feel your excitement and energy radiating off you and it’s infectious!” If that’s not a compliment I don’t know what is; I have had similar comments from other friends in recent weeks most of whom have no idea I have been seeing Cara, so I must be doing something right.
Everyone should have a Cara in their lives (and a Google – all will be explained when you meet Cara)!
Senior Leader moving from Military to Business Life
I contacted Cara at a time of great change and uncertainty and greatly appreciated her empathetic, professional and personable coaching style. The process is subtle but challenging and helped to close the gap between where my life was and I wanted to be significantly. Over a few months I gained clarity and perspective and can happily say I am now where I want to be and have a good understanding of where I’m going.
I would thoroughly recommend coaching with Cara for anyone who needs clarity and direction in life.
Sarah, A&E consultant, wife, working mum and budding garden designer
Thank you so much for everything – it’s been amazing.You have been so easy to talk to and have provided me with the tools to live life to the full again, enabling me to grow and develop new interests and pleasures in life. I’m no longer ‘plodding’; I’m doing more of what I want to do, my way and on my terms! I shall certainly recommend you to friends.
Neil, Customer Experience & Global Business Development Executive
At certain points in life the bucket fills and disorder sets in and the adage of “can’t see the wood for the trees” occurs – despite our experience or maturity. It’s at times like these some sound ‘tools’ and words of advice are required. This is exactly where Cara helps and assists. I found Cara to be profoundly sensitive, professional, personable and understanding to the various ‘challenge’s’ I was facing and helped me put order back into my life. These tools not only helped with my immediate goals and focus but also came to the fore when a life changing event occurred. Cara’s sessions are enlightening and her website, posts and newsletters provide continued confidence in netting the true values and direction for one’s self. Having totally reset my personal direction and focus, with the help of Cara’s advice I can step forward confidently and with complete clarity on where life will now take me. I can’t thank Cara enough for that guidance. we can’t all do it by ourselves all of the time and gentle ‘resets’ can clear ‘fog’ quite quickly. I’m so glad I made contact a few years ago…..
James: father, husband, friend and sales leader.
I worked with Cara on one level to help me make a significant transition in my professional life, and we nailed that!
However, on another level, she also helped me understand “me”: who I am, what I value and how all that affects why I do the things I do, what I want and why I want it.
This was delicate stuff and Cara partnered with me to create the trust, space and accountability that gave me the powerful insights I needed. I have emerged a calmer and more present person, with an increased awareness of my goals and ways of working / living.Cara was recommended to me by a friend and I absolutely will recommend her in turn to my friends!
Board level executive at a major pharmaceutical company
I have had 2 different professional coaches before in my career, Cara is in another league all together. I enlisted Cara to support an important professional transition. I am a Board level executive. She helped me become aware of underlying assumptions for my beliefs, leaving me with a deeper level of mindfulness. I regained some control I felt was lost. I formed a more holistic view of my goals. I made a very difficult decision I had not anticipated to make. Results: I now have a great job that works on all aspects (spouse, kids, house, school etc.) To give you a feel, our exchanges were mostly Cara asking simple but essential questions and listening deeply. Less frequently and at well selected times, she provided a recommendation. It’s very refreshing to find a coach who actually teaches you how to fish, but has the courage to give her opinion at times. Her suggestions were always spot on, Cara gets how big corporations work. An unexpected benefit is that I learn a lot about how to be a good coach to others, by just watching her do her thing. I highly recommend Cara.
Anna, Vice Principal, Elementary School in Ontario
I am very thankful for the time and attention Cara provided in helping me become a more assertive and confident leader. Not only do I see a change in my leadership, but I feel stronger in my growth mindset and in prioritizing areas in my leadership which matter the most to me. Professional coaching has made a significant impact on my own leadership efficacy and on helping me balance home, work, and wellness.
Maddie, 16 year old school girl who knows what she wants but lacks self-confidence
Dear Cara, Thank you. This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate your help and support so much. You helped me see the individual that I am and truly made me believe that’s it’s okay to be me! It’s been an honour to spend time with you and to receive your brilliant words of wisdom.
And her Mum said “she has loved working with you and has truly blossomed. I knew when I looked at your website you would be the right fit for her. Thank you, you are a very special lady. Keep on Coaching!”
Matt, Sales Professional
I first met Cara with a view that I longed to return to feeling “great again”, I had simply lost my mojo. The outcome from our first series of meetings has far surpassed expectations and I can honestly say that I am now rejuvenated for a better me. Cara’s embracing approach, apt methods and relevance to my persona ignited my self-awareness in so many enlightening ways, that I now enthuse about broadening new horizons. Cara has helped me discover an appreciation of my own values and strengths, energizing me with a vision that now looks calm, focused and met with confidence……. that I matter. Thank you Cara, the journey started is one that I look forward to continuing with you.
Agnieszka, supply chain, global beauty products
Coaching with Cara was a great experience – a journey into myself, discovering how to be Agnieszka again.
It helped me realize that it is ok not to be perfect, that I am ok and I am not a problem. I learnt techniques how to “let go” of things I have no control over, to move on and be happy. Since I started working with Cara, my confidence has grown and my outlook on life has changed from “I can’t do it” to “Actually I can”. With techniques I learnt, I will continue working on my limitations, to minimize their effect on my decisions and life.
Sharon, Head of Sales, Pharmaceuticals
After the death of my father it became difficult to see the wood for the trees, busy life at work and home, and I started to question, what is life all about? I’d not felt like this before, not in control, unable to think clearly. So I looked on line for a solution, maybe life coaching can help? I rang Cara and after a short discussion, I decided to work with Cara to improve my situation. Cara has been a great support and is a very good listener, she has helped and guided me through the woods, helping with practical ideas around planning, health and wellbeing. I am now back on track, heading out of the woods and now feel motivated to put into action, many of the ideas discussed over the last year.
Karen, Interior Designer
Cara’s ability to listen and ask the right questions to enable you to form your own conclusions, was a revelation.
After each meeting I felt positive and empowered to head in the right direction. Cara is extremely supportive whilst also able to challenge, which ensures that you think about the bigger picture. I found the sessions invigorating and, without a doubt, would encourage anyone at a crossroads in their life to contact Cara.I have now successfully relaunched my Interior Design business www.karenoliver.co.uk and am very much looking forward to the years ahead. Thank you Cara!!
DW, Global Credit & Collection Manager and mother of 3.
Cara has an amazing gift. Her easy and friendly approach makes you feel comfortable to really open up and discuss personal topics. In my sessions with Cara she has gently probed the reasons and thinking behind some of the challenges I felt I faced, and she has helped me make some great revelations which are already helping me in my day to day work and home life. The best part is that through the coaching sessions Cara has helped me to come to these realisations myself, which has had such a much greater impact on me than if someone had just given me some advice. Cara helps you to question the core, and gently guides towards a solution that you yourself suddenly see. I leave our sessions with key action points that I really want to follow, and with a fresh motivation and enthusiasm. Time spent with Cara really can change your life!
Shirley, Head of Coaching and a working Grandma
Cara’s calm presence along with her exquisite listening and insightful questions have enabled me to really deepen my thinking on the challenges I have been facing. This has enabled me to access my own solutions. Cara has by no means then ‘let me off the hook’, it’s been about exploring the blocks that would get in the way of me actually doing something and developing an action plan. I always came away calmer, with a clearer mind from our sessions and she has definitely enabled me to become more successful quickly.
Bradley, Managing Director Recruitment Agency, divorced Dad and getting married again
I have been working with Cara since the start of this year and she is like an optician…in that she has made me see things clearer! Life can throw different things at you that you are not always prepared for and with Cara’s help she has made navigating the way forward much easier. Having experienced a rather difficult divorce a few years back, the impact it had both professionally and personally for me was challenging. From day one I knew she had my back and guided me back to me. Knowing that someone challenges you to think about things that are relevant to everything about you without fear of judgement is powerful. Her honest approach and desire to help has had a hugely positive impact and I would highly recommend Cara as an Executive Coach.
Jo, Director of a Fresh Produce Retailer, mother of 3 young children
My husband and I came to Cara looking for help managing our home and work lives (we work together and have three young children). We needed joint plans for the next few years, help resolving life-work balance questions and some insights into how to make life feel less chaotic. We have found that our sessions with Cara give us the perfect space to think, plan and organise together. Using some great tools and a calm and understanding manner Cara has helped us make huge strides in achieving our aims. I especially feel very empowered by our time with Cara and after our first block of sessions feel more confident and assured than I ever have. We would recommend Cara very highly and without hesitation.
Joanne, Head of Healthcare Development, Roche Diagnostics
I would like to thank Cara, my experience of coaching has been very positive and I was apprehensive on what could be achieved beforehand. Cara has a natural coaching style that resulted in me achieving the changes and overcoming challenges that I needed to without quite realising it! Cara listens well, never judges and will challenge you when needed. I feel equipped to achieve sustainable change, and I am now a lady ready to make my mark in my organisation and achieve my personal mission.
Lizzy, Lt Col and senior nurse transitioning out of the military
A mutual colleague recently put me in touch with Cara and I had a really fantastic meeting with her. She is so inspirational and clearly a very gifted coach who gives out a special aura of calm. Her clients are very lucky and I feel very blessed to have recently met her. Her guidance and advice have been hugely valuable. She has that very special quality that makes one feel that one is the only one that matters.
Sally, discovering what’s next after retiring from corporate life
Before I started my sessions with Cara I was stuck: I had a vague idea of where I wanted to get to in my life but hadn’t figured out how to get there. The transformation that has taken place over the past six months is simply incredible: I’ve not only identified what changes I need to make but I’ve made significant progress already. Cara provided a structure and a process that enabled my thinking to evolve but the ‘magic’ was the very personal and supportive way Cara worked with me: always empathetic, responsive, while not letting me off the hook from confronting barriers to progress!!
Brian, Company Director and Dad of 2
I’ve clearly come a long way since I first met Cara. She gently and expertly helped me to dig deep and overcome painful, niggling issues and I now more at ease and proud to be ‘me’. This new found confidence and belief in myself has had a profound and positive impact on my business, socially and at home.
Lizzie, Shiatsu Practitioner and super ‘single’ mum
I find it really hard to put into words the value that I have found in Cara’s sessions. Nothing dramatic happens, but somehow there is space and calm in my life where before there was none, and as a parent I am able to really think about what my children need from me. Making big decisions felt impossible before, but now I struggle to remember what the difficulty was. She was definitely the right person at the right time for me, Cara is brilliant at what she does and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone wanting to make improvements in their life.
Angela, Head of Department, SOAS University of London
It took me some time to become conscious of how life coaching was making a difference for me. I credit this to Cara’s gentle but very astute approach; to her ability to sensitively direct discussions so that one’s ideas and commitments begin to shift at an unconscious level, with very real consequences.
Virginia, GP Doctor
Thank you so much for your help in getting me ‘here’ – I no longer feel stuck, stressed or overwhelmed and I’m back to old myself again. I am now more aware of my strengths and feel more positive and enthusiastic about the future. I feel as though you held my hand through the process, challenged my assumptions, allowed me to explore new ways of looking at things and nudged me to grow/move forwards, which is exactly what I needed.
Lowri, Marketing Executive for sports clothing brand
I wanted to let you know what a huge influence our sessions have had on events! I can’t thank you enough, they really helped me to see what was important to me, and helped me build up the courage to say what needed to be said – in both of the areas (work and relationship) that were stopping me from moving on. I feel optimistic, my confidence has improved, I’m even sleeping much better! I feel so much less anxious that I’m wasting time and I’m really looking forward to the next few weeks and months of rediscovering all the things I love doing. And not feeling guilty about it!
Jackie, Senior Nurse and Complimentary Therapist
After my first meeting with Cara we established that I felt trapped by my work, my life, the daily grind and I often asked myself “Is this it?” I knew I had been searching for something and was unable to feel entirely happy and content in my life. With the expert guidance of Cara it soon became clear that I was searching for ‘FREEDOM’. She helped me work through the issues I was experiencing at work, suggesting coping strategies that are transferable to all aspects of my life. I now realise I can take responsibility for my own happiness and I now feel FREE to be who I am!! My life has changed for the better and I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the pivotal role Cara has played in my journey! Thank you!
Ayesha, Entrepreneur and Mother of 4
Cara provided me with a lovely velvet space, her unconditional positive regard and attention was a delight. I looked forward to my time with Cara, and I will always cherish her genuine zeal for my success and her belief in me; which is a gift and has been hugely empowering.
Kirstie, Manager, Home Care Agency
Meeting Cara my life coach has changed my life. I now have the tools to deal with anything life throws at me and I have a different outlook on life. My happiest now, is down to this special lady. Thank you.
Jessica, Strategic Planning Director
I got so much out of my coaching with Cara. I always felt invigorated and reenergised after our sessions. If you think you need coaching or you’re considering it you should meet with Cara. I’ve finished her course feeling positive with a clear direction on whats next for me, which is exactly what I needed from our partnership.
Melanie, Corporate Manager
Cara was a tremendous help to me as I was considering making major changes in my career and wanted to ensure I did not make any knee jerk decisions. Her methodical, caring and supportive approach ensured each session moved me confidently forward in my decision making and I can quite honestly say that 6 months later I truly feel I am starting to live the life I had always hoped and dreamed of.
get in touch
Whatever you or your business needs, discover the Power of Coaching to make a practical and positive difference.
Cara’s special coaching packages can benefit everyone from private clients to Leaders and Groups. Please contact Cara today for an initial conversation - you can be assured of a warm response and a no obligation free chemistry call.